2023 showcase


1: The Blue Bin

Half frame 35mm film. Olympus Pen EES-2, fujifilm c200, edited in Photoshop.

This photograph depicts a monochromatic, bold scene featuring a blue bin. I stumbled across this scene just before a day at work, struck by the composition that was being created through shapes, shadows and colours, and how that juxtaposed the mundane subject matter. This image aims to highlight the visually appealing nature of everyday objects.


2: Nick

Canon RP RAW, 50mm. Edited in Photoshop.

A photo of one of my best mates. I've used a shallow depth of field, focusing on his hand to create a dreamy look and interesting focal point. I love the warm light, the subtle texture from the smoke and the strong contrast in this portrait.


3: The Tree Across the Road

35mm film. Canon AE-1 Program. Unedited.

I love the shapes the branches this tree creates, and how it looks in different light throughout the day. I love how the light in this shot was captured on film. I've used trees in the foreground to create tight framing on my subject and provide contrast in the image.


4: Bayside 

35mm film. Canon AE-1 Program, XP2. Edited in Photoshop

I love this view of the bay, surrounded by some of my favourite subject matter: trees, streets, and telephone poles/wires. I also love how the road works to guide your eye towards a small person, whose white outfit stands out even though they're so small in the frame. I enjoy the texture and contrast created by trees and shadows along the ground.


5: A Rainbow

Fujifilm X10 RAW. Edited in Photoshop.

This Image features a captivating rainbow that leads straight to a brightly lit building. I have created an open composition, utilising a lot of negative space with the light posts as framing. I love the colours and lighting, especially the rainbow being reflected on the wet concrete.


6: Ember

Canon RP RAW. Edited in Photoshop

A portrait I took of Ember at a house party. I've again used a shallow depth of field to introduce some nice bokeh to the background. The fairy lights also add bright colours which compliments the more neutral lighting on my subject's face.


Pacific airshow gold coast 2023